Monday, January 5, 2009

happy new year

HAAAAAAAPY NEWWWWWWW YEEEEEEEEEAR! Hi everyone and happy new year! I had a happy holiday. For Christmas I got several things, including a camera which I'll take many pictures with. In case I haven't told you I'm in a chidren's music band called "Uncle Rock and The Playthings". Here are the main band members: Lucia Legnini=backup vocals, KT Legnini=backup vocals, percussion, Eric Parker=drummer, Martin Keith=bass, Josh brown= guitar, Jamison Brown=guitar, Robert Warren (Uncle Rock)= vocals, guitar and Jack Warren (mou!)= backup vocals. We played on a float in the Santa Clause purade on Christmas eve in woodstock, NY. We were the main sh0w! Usually Santa is. We also played a New years eve gig which had a ball dropping at 8:30 for the kids who can't stay up. Hope you had a wondrful year, I know i did.